After taking a fall and having a tear in my shoulder, I was not comfortable with the pain medication that was prescribed. The side effects were not good, and I was nauseated. The pain eventually subsided, but I was unable to have the surgery for several months. I was unable to return to my job as a grower for a local greenhouse. During that time, my daughter and I spent many hours looking at the use of medicinal herbs for pain and discovered many other benefits of their use. Many medicinal herbs are just weeds that grow in our own back yards. Plants have been used for centuries by our ancestors for every ailment imaginable. We began trying a few here and there as teas. Some definitely taste better than others. Then we learned how to grow and process the herbs to preserve them for future use. Our existing gardens already had a few growing in them that we discovered had medicinal properties. I am an avid gardener and have worked in the horticultural industry for many years. So, the process began to make raised garden beds, in addition to the vegetable ones we already had, and a beautiful, large garden with walkways between the beds. We also put up greenhouses to start new plants to replace existing plants in the beds as well as to sell. We built a drying shed to process the herbs. We've spent hours planning and creating. The end result is a wonderful experience to walk through and experience the visual and fragrant beauty that the plants provide, along with a connection to Mother Earth.
After expanding the size of our greenhouses to provide culinary herbs, as many of the medicinal herbs we offer are used as culinary herbs as well, we also expanded our talent in house plants and succulents.
We are continuing to renovate the old feed mill on our property to provide a storefront containing dried herbs, herbal products, macramé plant hangers, planters and pots, and many other items. We will be providing classes on the use of medicinal herbs, make your own planter days, and individual Reiki sessions by appointment.
After expanding the size of our greenhouses to provide culinary herbs, as many of the medicinal herbs we offer are used as culinary herbs as well, we also expanded our talent in house plants and succulents.
We are continuing to renovate the old feed mill on our property to provide a storefront containing dried herbs, herbal products, macramé plant hangers, planters and pots, and many other items. We will be providing classes on the use of medicinal herbs, make your own planter days, and individual Reiki sessions by appointment.
Growing herbs is very therapeutic and beautiful, but it also increases our knowledge of the wonderful benefits they have to offer.